Thursday, September 1, 2011

Quick Notes

Fellow bravers of the mountainous wrath

On The Book:
Though I will inevitably make it into my book, I do not want it to be about me. As I make my periodic forays into normal society I am reminded again and again that I belong on the fringe. I don't recall a time when I truly fit in anywhere, or when I was unconditionally accepted by others. This cannot be what the story is about; our experience is so diverse - is why I think short stories may be better than a novel. Most acculturated better than me, yet, I wonder for how many it's a facade, like so often it is for me.

On the Road:
More than any other form of transportation, when on a motorcycle you are tested by the Great Mother. Every degree drop is felt by whatever skin is exposed to the wind. When it is cold and wet enough there is no garment that can keep the damp and ice from penetrating your marrow. One moment the sun is burning you, the next you shiver as beads of sweat are replaced by goosebumps.
This undulation is endless.
The constant awareness that anything other than clean, shiny blacktop can send you flying at 85mph, causes adrenaline to become a constant presense in your blood, so that by the end of a ride your body and mind are worn: like you just finished a mental game of chess while running a marathon.


  1. You, Alexander, are a wonderful, insightful being - and are unique in your ability to express your discoveries in writing for the rest of us to revel in and be inspired! Keep on truckin' - or should I say, 'cyclin'!

  2. Hi Nessa!

    Thank you for your kind words and support!
    I miss you guys and Maine, and think of you almsot every day!
    I hope you enjoy the next four posts, lets just say it feels good to be alive!

  3. It takes a real man to sport tights like that!
