Monday, November 14, 2011

WE are the Truth of the Nation

Second biggest country in the world: done and done!

The road offers many gifts. One of the greatest is the house cleaning it performs on your grey mass. We are so often blinded by the dust we raise as we teem in the midst of modern society. Always in a hurry and never observant of the realities that surround us and the messages those realities send by which we are effected but of which we are unaware.
The following couple of posts will include reflections that could only come after a person has removed themselves from the havoc for a prolonged period, and then re-entered with fresh eyes and a sensitive awareness to what is antithetical to our greater nature.

This is a poem about the general state:

WE are the Truth of the Nation

I am not a slave to your false sensibility,
I will not work for a sense of false security.
I am not sensitive to your solutions,
I seek truth only in my sensations.

You give me false hope with your society,
You want me to believe in my own notoriety.
You try to make me believe in your sensationalism,
You wish I could forget the right of my naturism.

I want to see the outcome of my forced sacrifice,
You wish you could hide your own lack of reliability.
I want to see for what you wish I would die,
You would rather I not, and blind me with your lie.

You want my vote and support and obedience,
I cannot give to you when I see your reality.
You make it so murky and light it on fire,
I am left to rebel, to deny you is my dearest desire.

We scream of the papers that give us our rights,
We yell for a time that exists in our dreams on warm nights.
We long for what never existed yet was spread as the truth,
We conquer our perception and logic and claim it’s good for the youth.

There is no us in your eyes that is whole,
There can be only right, that you’ll protect with your might,
There will come a day though when your falsehood will unfurl,
There can only be hope when your might will be revealed as smoke.

We are, we are, we stand we scream,
We are not only the youth, we are more than a dream.
We are the now and tomorrow and then,
We do not even know with what power we teem.

I believe that our ignorance does have an end,
I believe that the future is not beyond mend.
I believe that respect is the seed of it all,
I believe that the truth, no matter how hard, will save us from the deadly final fall.

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